Interested in finding new personal growth opportunities as a crucial part of growing your business? 

Curious how you can increase your conversion rates & sales by better understanding yourself and your customers?

Interested in learning new strategies that will help you grow, improve and increase your effectiveness to those you serve?


In this course you'll gain a better understanding of...

  • yourself & others, including your customers 

  • why you do things the way you do

  • why you sometimes approach things differently from others in your life

  • where your motivation comes from

  • your natural strengths

  • potential areas for growth

  • what to look for in a mastermind or accountability partner to ensure they are a good fit for you and your business

  • how to find the right person to give you feedback and suggestions about your business

  • how to structure super effective individual client meetings to ensure they want to continue working with you

  • how to do certain things that your business requires when they don't come naturally to you

  • how to appeal to a variety of personality types when you:

        create digital products

        create email opt-in's

        send emails to your list

        write sales pages

        write products descriptions
        create online courses

        record video content

        conduct client meetings

        conduct group meetings

  • how to effectively respond to feedback (reviews, complaints, suggestions, etc.)

  • how to structure your time that feels more natural to you

  • how to make business decisions that are a good fit for YOU

  • And So Much More!

You'll first learn about yourself and others through the secrets of personality type

Based on 70 years of research 

(see the FAQ's for more details)

Take a peek at the lesson intro for 

'What's Your Type?'

You'll then learn how to use personality type to strengthen your business
(= more sales) in a variety of areas including...

 What if it only took a few small tweak here and there, or a slight change to your approach in order to increase your sales? 

What if more customers understood you better and therefore wanted to take advantage of everything you have to offer?

You can count on this course to help you with that!

And, you don't have to grow your business alone!

You can add us to your list of business strategy mastermind partners!
Hi! I'm Karen
Course Creator / Myers-Briggs Certified

I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work & a master's degree in Public Administration. 

I worked in higher education for 30 years in a variety of roles at both a mid-size, public Institution in Michigan and a small liberal arts college in Wisconsin. 

Throughout that time, I worked with thousands of students in residence life, academic advising and career counseling using my certification in the Myers-Briggs and gained extensive experience about personality type along the way. 

 I left higher education in 2019 and have been enjoying full-time self employment ever since. 

With over 14,000 sales on Etsy and a 6-figure yearly income in my business overall, I love sharing my marketing and business strategies with other entrepreneurs who are looking for creative and strategic ways to grow their business.  

You can learn more about me at www.determinedtolovemondays.com 

 I'm so excited to share this course with you. I'm confident you will have many 'Ah Ha' moments about your life & your business by taking this course!

Hi! I'm Shawn
Course Creator / Myers-Briggs Certified

I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Personal & Career Counseling.

I have worked in higher education for over 35 years in Career Services at a small liberal arts college and a public Ivy League Institution, both in Wisconsin. 

 I am also officially certified to teach the Myers-Briggs by the Myers-Briggs Company.

Through the years, I have developed my expertise with personality type through thousands of individual student meetings as well as training & consulting with businesses and law-firms throughout Wisconsin. 


I look forward to working with you as well!



After you learn about and discover your own personality type, we'll discuss strategies in a variety of business areas pertaining to personality type including...

  • Written Communication 
  • Systems & Automation 
  • Working with Numbers 
  • Marketing
  • Partnerships
  • Online Group Meetings
  • Client Meetings
  • Customers
  • Product Development
  • Product Listings
  • Creating E-Courses
  • Videos
  • And more...

A beautiful course workbook is included for you to record and organize all the new strategies you'll learn in the course. 

The workbook comes in three formats:

1.  Digital (use on a tablet with an annotation app)
2. Printable
3. Fillable (with fillable text fields to use on your computer)

Once you purchase, you'll receive lifetime access, including any updates. 

Don't hesitate to email me with any questions at karen@determinedtolovemondays.com.





"My traits help me to come up with good ideas, but I have difficulty putting them into action. I want to learn strategies for getting ideas out of my head and making them a reality."

"I am mystified at the notion of being truly myself while also marketing to other types."

"I want to get the most from the course as I believe that what you will teach will profoundly affect how I do business."

"I have always had a fear of failure and just can’t seem to get over this hurdle. So rather than fail I don’t start. This is a huge stumbling block for me."

"I love all things personality type and they’ve definitely helped me rethink my business, validate my strengths, and acknowledge my limitations."

"I would like to find out how to be as successful as possible and still be in sync with my personality type. Also, how to be the most productive, depending on my type."

"I'd like to earn how introverts can learn to step outside of their comfort zone so they can better build their business through networking and collaboration."

"How to view "weaknesses" as a virtue and not something bad that I need to change about myself."

"I've been rebuilding my brand this year and the course subject piqued my interest."

"I love personality tests and digging deep into why we are the way we are. I liked the idea of getting insight into how our personalities help us in our businesses and how I can use my strengths to make a better experience for my customers and myself. I'd also like to get an insight into how to get past my weaknesses so I can make progress everyday in business."

"I'm very interested in the topic. 

Plus, I am a previous student of Karen's, so I know it will be good!" 

  • What personality type are you using to teach the course?
    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)
  • What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®?
    According to the Myers-Briggs Company website, the "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is one of the world’s most popular personality tools.

    Used by more than 88 percent of Fortune 500 companies in 115 countries, and available in 29 languages, it has become the go-to framework for people development globally.

    With more than 70 years of science-based, research-based insight, the MBTI assessment is a robust tool for self-awareness and improvement. It provides positive language for understanding and valuing individual differences. With practical insight that’s easy to understand and implement, the MBTI assessment has helped thousands of organizations and millions of people around the world improve how they communicate, learn, and work."
  • Will I be taking the inventory to determine my type?
    No. In order to keep the cost of this course as low as possible for you, we will help you determine your type through an interactive presentation instead of taking the inventory.

    We have done this presentations hundreds of times and know that it works!

    If you would like to take the Myers-Briggs Inventory and sit for an individual interpretation of your results, please contact Shawn for pricing at Irishgal4@hotmail.com
  • Are you qualified to teach the Myers-Briggs?
    Yes! Karen and Shawn are both certified by the Myers-Briggs Company to teach and help others learn how to effectively use their personality types.
  • Do you provide refunds?
    Please be sure this is a good fit for you before purchasing because refunds are not available.
  • Do you have an affiliate program?
    Yes! We'd love to have you as an affiliate. We pay 50% commission and payout is immediate.

    Once you sign-up for the course and find you have a good experience with it, you'll be given the opportunity to become an affiliate.


  • Customer
  • Payment

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Special one-time offer ONLY $10   

Currently not sold anywhere else!

This unique Business Mindset Planner will help you explore & heal self-sabotaging thoughts that many entrepreneurs need to work through as they grow their businesses.


  • 120 pages
  • Digital Planner with hyperlinks (use with an annotation app)
  • Printable (also formatted to be printed)
  • Hyperlinked index with 22 self-sabotaging ideas to start with
  • Hyperlinked index with 22 blank sections for your own ideas 
  • Journaling pages 
  • Positive reminder grids
  • Beautiful floral designs for quotes and positive messages 

For personal use only.
 Not available for commercial use.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!



  • Total payment
  • 1xMY URL ONLY$127

All prices in USD